Iron swords

Missing Persons Hotline
The Missing Persons Hotline is Opened, the Difficult Stories are Revealed

The information center for missing and kidnapped civilians, known as "Moked 1229," has been opened and received hundreds of phone calls with complex stories. The center collects and cross-references information, and when there is a clear picture, a delegation is sent to the families.

JFeed | 11.10.23

5 Heroic Stories

5 Heroic Stories of the Fighters in the Battle for the Gaza Envelope

Shira Levi, JFeed | 11.10.23

Two Terrorists Killed 

Watch: Two terrorists were killed near Kibbutz Miflasim

JFeed | 10.10.23

Destruction in Gaza 

Gaza is being destroyed: watch the Air Force strikes

JFeed | 09.10.23

Terrorists' Occupation of an IDF Outpost

The terror scenario: terrorists documented the occupation of an IDF outpost

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 07.10.23